Price Increase to Daycamp and Boarding Coming January 1st.

Sorry folks, we REALLLLLLLY don’t want to do it but there’s just no other way.  In the past two years, to bring your dogs the highest quality of service we’ve increased salaries and benefits for employees and added many improvements and some major upgrades to the inside and outside areas.  Did we do too much?  Well, maybe…..but maybe not because the dogs love it!  And so do the humans that love them for a living.  Your dog’s happiness is the reason behind everything we do to make Poochie’s the best for them and you too.  And we have a lot more to come that you’ll see completed in the first few months of 2021.  Also, we are going to raise every employee’s hourly wage by $1 starting next month.

I know that times are tough for many of us.  It has been a tough year for our business, but we’ve been fortunate thanks to you all!  We really appreciate you and promise to continue doing our very best for your dogs.  If you’d like more info about the price increase or any questions or comments at all then please feel free to email me at [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding and your continued patronage.

Prices are already posted on our website on the Boarding & Daycamp Prices page. This price increase will add about $2 to $5 more per dog for daycare or boarding as well as adding expiration dates to daycare packages.