The results are in and the winners are

Drew and Brooklyn!  

Drew wins the votes from the Dogmasters because she is ‘the sweetest girl ever”. If you know her then you agree, she may very well be the sweetest girl that there ever was. She’ll be bringing home a certificate to hang on the fridge and her parents will be getting a free day of day camp. Nice job Drew, sweetest girl ever!

Brooklyn is almost as sweet as Drew. She is the best team player and works so diligently all day. And the best part is she always has a smile. Her job is to keep everything clean and also take the dogs out to play in between cleaning. The Managers said she has amazing attention to detail and the best attitude. Awesome Brook!!! Brooklyn will also get a certificate to carry around wherever she goes and a gift card and will be able to park front row for the rest of the month!  Thank you for being so good Brook.