Dog Park Improvements: Stage, Nature Trail Fence, and New Storage Building

Thank you for your patience throughout these construction projects. They are almost done, and we’ve got plans for more! 

Nature Trail Fence Replacement:

We replaced all the old wood fence with new chain link. There’s just one small section left by the nature trail entrance/parking lot that we will be replacing soon.

The New Park Stage/Pavilion:

The new stage is now about half way done and the first band to play on it will be Beggarweed on August 13th! The roof will come near the end of next month since we are waiting for an especially large wood beam. It will also have benches and tables up there too. As soon as the roof is on, we can take down those temporary fences and everyone can use the space when they come to the park.

New Storage Building:

It’s done! Jamie is building shelves and the maintenance crew is moving things in there now. Our plan is to take down the sheds that are by the gate entrance to the park.

Next Steps:

Once the sheds are emptied, we will move those away and replace the old brown wood fence with a chain link fence and make the whole entrance area a lot nicer/more open. There will also be a 8 foot tall wooden fence that wraps around the front of the building. And on the nature trail next to the new building we are looking into planting a (non invasive) bamboo forest on both sides. Once grown, it will be a really neat way to start off the nature trail entrance. We have some more ideas but I’ll save those for a future reveal.