It’s kind of like dropping a human kid off for daycare. Except this kid’s tail is wagging uncontrollably as you pull up to the front doors. When you get out of the car, she practically pushes you out of the way and drags you inside. Our office staff is just as happy to see you as you easily hand them the leash and you’re off to start your day!
Next, your happy pup trots out to the play yards where their friends are eagerly waiting! The rest of the day will be filled with swimming, squirrel chasing, playing tag, wrestling, sprinting, ball fetching, stick chewing, hole digging, and for some just laying around in the sun or shade and enjoying the fresh air.

PlayTime: During the day the day camp dogs are out as much as we can safely have them out (without overexerting). They’ll have inside breaks after every 20 to 45 minutes of outside play (break time-frequency depends on how hot and humid it is outside). Outside are the biggest play yards you’ve ever seen. Dogs have the freedom to spread out and roam under the giant oak trees. One yard even has a huge pond for swimming and chasing turtles. On days that the rain is too heavy, we can take the pack into the 2000 square foot air-conditioned artificial turf playroom (this room is also where dogs that have trouble breathing/cooling off will sometimes play on hot days).

People Time: Inside our beautiful 10,000 square foot indoor facility there is also a pet spa and veterinary clinic (that’s so nice to have right next door just in case). When your dog is inside they are not alone; Poochie’s has one of the highest staff to dog ratios at 1 person on site for every 8 to 12 dogs on the campus. We know our campers by name. Whether they are inside or outside, we are spending lots of time with them all day long from when you drop them off to when you pick up.