Proof of ALL required vaccinations must be provided before using any
service or the dog park.

  • Rabies
  • DHLPP or DHPP or DAPP2: (distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza virus)
  • Leptospirosis: *that’s the “L” when the Vet has included it within the DHLPP combo. But some vets aren’t including it unless you ask.  You need it!
  • Bordetella: Upper respiratory virus’s can come in many complex forms with many different names, this is the most severe of them.
  • Dog Flu Vaccine – We don’t require it but we Highly Recommend your pup be vaccinated for the  H3N8 and H3N2 viruses.

It’s best to have your vet administer any missing or out of date vaccines prior to your visit.  If that’s not possible, our on site vet can do it while your dog is here with us, you’ll sign an authorization form at check in time.

Once your vaccines are all set, you can Click on the button below to access your customer portal and upload a picture of them to your account.


Male dogs over 7 months old must be neutered to go inside the dog park or be in boarding/daycare. Females that are not spayed may not be brought to the park or for boarding while they are in heat.

Flea and Tick and Worm/Parasite Prevention must be kept current. (Some examples include Trifexis, Comfortis, Heartguard, Frontline or Advantix, etc…one or more of those listed is what you should be using monthly—when in doubt, call your vet!)

Puppies under 4 months cannot go inside the dog park or be in boarding/daycare.  We love puppies!  Feel free to bring them into the lobby to meet and greet until they are old enough to play.

Dogs that have a contagious skin condition or any other contagious diseases may not use the dog park or boarding/daycare/grooming facilities until deemed cleared by their veterinarian in writing.

Dogs that have been recently adopted from the shelter/pound can’t use boarding or daycamp until 7 days after leaving the shelter/pound.


Contact your vet if you have any questions about your dog’s health.  If you don’t currently have a Vet relationship, we highly recommend our next door neighbors Black Creek Pet Clinic at Poochie’s.  Here’s the link to their page.


For Friendly Dogs and the People Who Love Them.